When Does Morning Sickness Start?

When Does Morning Sickness Start?

Morning sickness does not start around the same time for every pregnant woman. A few women do not even have this experience during pregnancy. But for the many that have this experience, it is often around the 5th week after the conception of their baby or babies. For some women, morning sickness might start 1 week before, or one or two weeks after the 5th week.

On the whole, it usually falls during the first trimester period. Considering the time, it is safe to say the symptoms of morning sickness happen pretty much early during pregnancy. We will like to help you understand these pregnancy symptoms better. Continue to read this article on the welfare section of the Caratello platform for a better understanding of the subject.

Symptoms of Morning Sickness

Nausea and vomiting are the biggest tell signs of morning sickness. However, it could be accompanied by some other symptoms as well. In addition to how some pregnant women feel discomfort in their stomach; leading to nausea and vomiting, they could also salivate more often.

One other common issue is hypersensitivity to smell and taste. For example, the smell of ginger or spices and products that contain ginger might become unbearable. This is even if such people had no problems eating foods that contained ginger before becoming pregnant.

Do not let the tag “morning sickness” fool you. This is because morning sickness symptoms can occur at any time of the day. However, it usually starts during the morning period. Some women feel a lot better as the day rolls by. This is as nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness get milder.

However, this is not the way every pregnant woman will feel. For some, it only gets severe. Such women find it hard to keep themselves together.

Does Morning Sickness Require Medical Care

For the record, pregnant women require medical care. This has to do with their antenatal appointments at the very least. They get to meet their doctor at the maternity clinic and explain how they are feeling in their body over time.

When they do this, the health subject of morning sickness can be brought up. One of the reasons is so that the healthcare service provider can tell if it is merely morning sickness or something as severe as hyperemesis gravidarum. This condition is when morning sickness becomes so severe that it causes

  • Severe and prolonged nausea and vomiting
  • Dangerous levels of body dehydration – Having the body well hydrated is so important that certain health products are made for this purpose. You can read a review of Liquid IV for a better understanding
  • Significant weight loss which can negatively impact the pregnant woman and her baby
  • Hypotension (High Blood Pressure) – especially when standing

Proper medical care for pregnant women dealing with hyperemesis gravidarum is important. This is because childbirth under this health condition is considered high risk. As a result, it can lead to complications such as preterm delivery, preeclampsia, or stillbirth if an affected pregnant woman does not seek proper health treatment.

Other than a diagnosis that would confirm if Hyperemesis gravidarum is the problem, there are some clear symptoms. The inability to keep any food or fluids you eat or drink in your stomach for long is one. Such women end up vomiting often. Judging from some cases we have reviewed, treatment includes:

  • Passage of IV fluids into the body
  • Selective feeding and selective nutrition
  • Administration of ideal vitamin supplements

Caratello is a health resource platform committed to ensuring you are in perfect health. This is why we also review health products. You can read a review of Ritual Vitamins and see if it is ideal for use during pregnancy.

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